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Effective criminal alternative proceedings (Mediation and provisional suspension of proceedings)

On 02 April 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted a training on: “effective criminal alternative proceedings (mediation and provisional suspension of proceedings).

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge of judges and prosecutors on implementation of alternative procedures and encouraging them to apply these procedures whenever possible. This training also aimed to increase the efficiency in solving cases in a shorter time.

This training focused on addressing domestic such as legal framework that regulates this field, mediation and its positive sides, referring of a criminal case to mediation by prosecutor and provisional suspension of proceedings. It was also elaborated the plea bargaining agreement, initiation of negotiation and conditions where the negotiation can be initiated. 

During this training in particular was treated plea bargain agreement, content of agreement and role of the court, submission of agreement and procedure that takes place before the court where the agreement is examined in a hearing, these topics were followed by discussion on withdrawal of the agreement and its consequences, the right of parties to appeal if the court decision goes beyond the agreement in relation to the imposed sentence.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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