News and Activities - Archive


KJI Donor Coordination Meeting

On 21 April 2015, KJI conducted a regular donor coordination meeting. The purpose of this meeting was coordination of training activities with international partners which support implementation of KJI programs.

KJI Director presented the 2014 activities emphasizing the close and mutual cooperation with international partners. During the meeting were also presented activities conducted during the period of January-March 2015. At the end of presentation, KJI Director stressed the need for further support and donor coordination.

During the meeting KJI donor representatives presented the flow of their projects and planes for future support. They also thanked KJI for a great cooperation in implementation of the projects and expressed their readiness to continue this cooperation also in the future.

Participants in this meeting were representatives from EU Office in Kosovo, EULER 2, UNDP, UNWOMEN, GIZ, USAID/CLE, USAID/EROL, US-DOJ/OPDAT, EURIP, Nederland Embassy, Council of Europe, Human Dynamics, and KJI staff.

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