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Sequestration and confiscation before filling the indictment

On 28 April 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP conducted a training on: “Sequestration and confiscation before filing the indictment”.

The aim of organizing this training was to contribute in deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge of judges and prosecutors about the differences between temporary seizure and confiscation and drafting of orders related to temporary seizure and confiscation.

The main focus of the training was the elaboration of legal framework on confiscation in terms of international instruments as well as national legislation. In particular legal provisions were elaborated on the procedure to be followed for the successful implementation of the seizure and confiscation, in which case was stressed out the need that these two forms of seizure of property acquired by criminal offense to be used more often, so that will contribute to the most successful fighting of criminal offences. In this context, it was also discussed the role of the prosecutor and the judge's actions toward seizure and confiscation proceedings.

Also during this training was discussed the purpose of sequestration and confiscation, basic principles, temporary seizure of assets, restraining order and hearing to confirm seizing of property.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges from basic level, prosecutor from basic and appellate level.

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