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Construction contracts and commercial disputes

On April 14th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the USAID Contract Law Enforcement Program (CLE) delivered training for judges on “Construction contracts and commercial disputes”.

Purpose of this training was extending knowledge of judges in the theoretical and practical aspects related to clear definition of normative acts in the area of construction and implementation of legal provisions regulating this area.

This training’ focus was on elaborating legal framework with particular emphasis on Law on Construction, comparisons with he previous law on construction, Law on treating illegal construction and Law on Spatial Planning.

The training also elaborated on construction permits and its stages, timeline for response of competent bodies to the parties requests for equipping with construction permit, consequences of non respecting this timeline and the right of parties to legal remedies, construction permit taxes and inspection in conclusion of construction stages, treating illegal construction, legalization process and role of the court in this procedure.

An expert from US, who was also part of the working group that drafted the Construction Legislation in Kosovo, presented at this training, in which case the participating judges, at each stage of the training had the possibility to discuss and raise issues of interest.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the civil area and the Kosovo Supreme Court, judges of the Appeals Court and of Prishtina Basic Court – Commercial Department.

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