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Formalizing cooperation between Kosovo Judicial Institute and the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM)

During May 4-8 2015, a KJI delegation comprising of KJI Director, Program Coordinator and Heads of Training Programs, with the support of French Embassy in Kosovo and the EU TAIEX Program stayed in the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM).

Purpose of this study program is primarily to establish formal cooperation between Kosovo Judicial Institute and the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM), which was reached through signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between both institutions in the area of judicial training.

This agreement is reached aiming to strengthen the role of training into enhancement and functioning of judicial institutions and promotion of judicial independence, as well as setting the activities within the bilateral cooperation and implementation modalities.

With this agreement the French National School for the Judiciary and Kosovo Judicial Institute express their readiness to continue cooperation, depending on resources and possibilities available for activities that will deal with the following; initial training, continuous training and familiarization of French and Kosovo prosecutors and judges. This cooperation will take place through exchange of documents (scientific publications and pedagogical materials), study visits, practical trainings and programs of both, sitting and future judges and prosecutors, technical expertise missions, as well as mutual participation of French and Kosovo judges, and future judges, into seminars with topics of common interest.

During this visit, participants had the chance to acquaint with programs of the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) on initial training, entrance exam and final exam of candidates for judges and prosecutors, assessment system of candidates during trainings, the continuous training program, the research and documentation program, international cooperation program, as well as other aspects of the ENM’s work which will impact on enhancing professional work of the Kosovo Judicial Institute.

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