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On May 25th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute is organizing solemn ceremony of graduation for the fifth generation of candidates for judges and prosecutors

On May 25th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute is organizing solemn ceremony of graduation for the fifth generation of candidates for judges and prosecutors. 

Candidates for judges and prosecutors have attended trainings in the Initial Training Program delivered in three training stages. This program started implementation in 2008 and besides the generation that is graduating today, the training program has delivered training for another 141 candidates in four previous generations.

At the ceremony speeches were delivered by the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, Mr. Hajredin Kuçi – Minister of Justice, Mr. Fejzullah Hasani – President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi – State Chief Prosecutor and Chairman of the Prosecutorial Council, Mr. Enver Peci – Chairman of the Judicial Council, Mr. Ymer Hoxha – President of the KJI Managing Board, Mr. Samuel Žbogar – Head of the EU Office in Kosovo.

In her speech Her Excellency President Atifete Jahjaga stated the following “as of today you are starting a new journey as guardians of the rule of law. You will be fulfilling your goal to help your country and to give it a meaningful sense in the area of justice.”

Minister of Justice Mr. Hajredin Kuçi in his speech emphasized that he hopes “that candidates have used maximally all opportunities provided during the initial program in order to gain and extend your knowledge in the area of justice, and that all of you will be successful not only in the selection and appointment as judges and prosecutors, but that they will successfully practice these functions.”

Mr. Fejzullah Hasani in his word highlighted that “This program that is based on the Law on Establishing the Kosovo Judicial Institute, has marked a turning point for professional growth of new judges and prosecutors”. Mr. Hasani repeated his request that process of legislation approval for the judiciary shall take into account and address recommendations of relevant institutions, in order that laws create space, possibility and obligation for developing the justice system.

In his speech, Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi emphasized that “Today’s event that we are marking, shows that there is hope for positive changes to the increase of the prosecutorial system capacities through the Kosovo Judicial Institute, which has managed to successfully implement the initial training program and preparation of future judges and prosecutors” and encourages KJI to provide such training programs for all prosecutors and expressed his devotion for cooperation and continuous support.

While president of the KJI Managing Board Mr. Ymer Hoxha in his speech emphasized that more than 90% of trained candidates in the Initial Training Program now are judges or prosecutors. With the Initial Training program the Kosovo Judicial Institute marked a turning point in professional growth of judges and prosecutors who express interest and ambitions for practice this function.

Mr. Enver Peci, emphasized that ‘this generation of candidates who are graduating today, are one step ahead in concluding the process of meeting the necessary positions of judges.  The experience obtained in the Initial Training Program is an indicator that they are ready to face problems with all professional challenges and Kosovo judiciary expects a lot from them.

Mr. Samuel Žbogar, head of the EU Office in Kosovo stated the following in his speech “Functioning, independent judiciary is a key condition not only for the justice to be served, but also for the society to function – and for people to have trust and hope.” Mr. Žbogar further continued to add “Above all, successful reform of the judiciary depends on the level of professional qualification of judges, prosecutors, and administrative staff. We therefore strongly support all efforts of providing candidates and also sitting judges and prosecutors with excellent trainings in order to obtain relevant skills and knowledge.”

The Initial Training program was attended by 28 candidates for judges and prosecutors who have graduated today.

At the end of this ceremony, H.E. Atifete Jahjaga, Mr. Hajredin Kuçi – Minister of Justice, Mr. Fejzullah Hasani – President of the Kosovo Supreme Court, Mr. Enver Peci – Chairman of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi, State Chief Prosecutor, Mr. Ymer Hoxha – President of the KJI Managing Board and Mr. Lavdim Krasniqi – Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute, delivered diplomas to candidates for judges and prosecutors wishing them success in accomplishing the holy mission of justice.

Prishtina, 25 May 2015

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