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The right to trial within a reasonable time, internal factors affecting the delay of trials

On 25 May 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with Basic Court in Prizren, supported by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, conducted training on: "The right to trial within a reasonable time, internal factors that affect the delay of trials".

The purpose of the training was to identify the factors affecting the length of proceedings and establish best practices in terms of conducting trials within a reasonable time.

During this training was discussed and generally elaborated the internal factors affecting the length of the proceedings, in particular, the lack of inviting parties. Also was highlighted the preparations before the trial in order to prevent delays in criminal as well as in civil proceedings which directly affect the efficient management of cases, of time and in this context issuance of judgment within  a reasonable timing.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors, professional associates, of courts and prosecutors from Prizren region.

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