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Protection of children rights in marital – family disputes

On June 11 2015, the Kosovo Judicial Institute within its Continuous Training Program, with the support of UNICEF conducted a two-day training on the topic of “Protection of children rights in marital-family disputes”.

Purpose of this training consist on the increase of professional capacities and correct understanding of the active role of the judge and the custody body, as well as investigation under the competencies based on which the assessment and professional decision shall be given which serves to protection of children rights in marital disputes.

Initially, the interpretation and correct application of the national legal provisions and European conventions on children rights were elaborated, pertaining to protection of children during divorce procedure, criteria that the court takes into account in cases on entrusting, guarding and children custody.  It was also elaborated on alimony, contacts with one parent in cases of divorce and the court ruling for these cases even when there is no request.

This training elaborated on international child abduction, processing and elaboration of requests for return of children in cases of abduction, terms to be met in order to be considered as international child abduction and stages for treating the requests. In this context, it was discussed about competent bodies and development of the child return procedure and execution of decisions for return of the child as well as procedure for child return.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instance and victim protectors. 

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