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Visit of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN) General Secretary, Mr. Wojciech POSTLUSKI at the Kosovo Judicial Institute

On July 15th 2015, upon invitation by the KJI Director the EJTN General Secretary Mr. Wojciech POSTLUSKI stayed for a visit at Kosovo Judicial Institute.

Purpose of the meeting was being informed about the KJI’s work and possibilities of cooperation with EJTN. In this light, it was discussed aboout concrete cooperation that may take place between institutions like inviation to participate in training for trainers and enhancmement of trainign methodology, developing training assessment forms, as well as participation in other trainings of professional nature that EJTN organizes.

During this visit, the EJTN General Secretary had meetings also with the President of the Kosovo Supreme Court Mr. Fejzullah Hasani and the KPC member Mrs. Sevdije Morina with whom its was discussed about developments and challenges of the judicial and prosecutorial system. These meetings emphasized importance of the judicial training for judges and prosecutors as well as benefits that come from the exchange programs between EJTN and Kosovo judiciary. 

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