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Training of Trainers “Advanced Development of Training of Trainers Program”

On 21-22 July 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with UNICEF conducted a Training of Trainers on: “Development of the advanced skills” 

The purpose of the training was the advancement of strategies and teaching skills of juvenile justice trainers, and KJI staff.

This training will facilitate the participants in designing training programs and draft properly the development of advanced skills training program that will be organized for judges and prosecutors in KJI. During this training were explained strategies and teaching methods based on experience used commonly by judicial system of the most developed countries

After each theoretical part they were practically demonstrated multiple teaching methods including simulations, acting, group discussions, case studies, presentations and different kinds of work in groups and Socratic dialogue with all its nuances.

As part of the weight and importance of the future work of the trainers were also the explanation and illustration of advanced contemporary discussion, development of critical thinking tools, and the art of making questions and discussion skills, as well as active listening.

Beneficiaries of this training were trainers of justice for juveniles from civil and criminal field and KJI staff. 

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