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Detention as a measure to ensure the presence of the defendant in the procedure

On 06 July 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP conducted a training for judges and prosecutors on: “Detention as a measure to ensure the presence of the defendant in the procedure”.  

The purpose of this training was to advance professional knowledge of judges and prosecutors toward proper implementation of provisions and legal conditions regarding decisive circumstances, including ECHR standards for application of detention as the most severe measure that can be imposed in order to ensure the presence of the defendant in the procedure.        

During this training initially were elaborated the request for detention by the prosecutor based on Article 5 of ECHR and reasons foreseen by this Article, grounded suspicion and its reasoning as the main ground for detention  request, reasoning of  the request for continuation of this measure and legal terms of detention.

Also during this training were discussed the detention principles, special conditions of detention, decision for issuing detention measure by the judge and the reasoning of the detention.

The training was elaborated through interactive discussion among following by practical cases and challenges faced in this field.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instances.

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