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Roundtable: Forensic expertise – Challenges in practical implementation

On July 14th 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute organized a roundtable on the topic of “Forensic expertise – Challenges in practical implementation of the law”.

Purpose of the roundtable was to serve as an opportunity that will elaborate, note and propose solutions to uncertainties pertaining to forensic expertise.

Initially, the roundtable was provided a presentation by Professor Dr. Sokrat Meksi, forensic expert at the Forensic Institute of Tirana, who briefly elaborated the actual practice in Albania related to forensic expertise, and issues and challenges that they face.

During this roundtable, participants discussed and presented their dilemmas in this area, emphasizing that there is a need for reliable forensic expertise in the area of discovering and combating the crime. Also, an important fact was emphasized to be the need for communication and additional consultation between prosecutors, forensic experts and other stakeholders in order to serve to the increase of efficiency and mutual professionalism in meeting their legal obligations. 

This roundtable was continuation of the roundtable that took place in December of the last year where similar aspects were discussed.

Participants at this roundtable were prosecutors, forensic experts from the Ministry of Justice – Forensic Department. 

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