News and Activities - Archive


Communication and delegation

On 8-9 July 2015, KJI in cooperation with the founded EU project “Further support to the Legal Education Reform in Kosovo” EULER II, conducted a training for administrators and admin assistants of courts and prosecution offices on: “Communication and Delegation”.

The purpose of this training was for the participants to understand and expend their knowledge on communication and negotiation, to know how to use the performance agreements as an instrument for planning and motivation, as well as to know the limits of self-motivation and external motivation.   

In the focus of this two day training were active listening, cooperation agreements, and agreements by using SMART methods, purpose of the agreement, motivation, and good condition of motivation, motivation factors and evaluation.

After each theoretical part participants were divided in working groups where they had to play roles based on the treated topic.

Beneficiaries of this training were administrators and admin assistants of courts and prosecution from all instances.

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