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Regional Training - Strategy for reduction of backlog of cases in prosecutorial offices (Prizren, Gjakova dhe Peja) – 2nd group

On September 23rd 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Prosecutorial council under the support of OSCE, conducted training on “Strategy for reduction of backlog of cases based on Chapter XIV of CCK”.

 Purpose of the training was to assess implementation of the requirements arising from the strategy for reducing the number of cases, the presentation of data to the extent of use of alternative procedures, and elimination of difficulties in the implementation of alternative procedures by the prosecution at the local level.

This training paid particular importance to the temporary suspension of the proceedings under Article 230 of the CCK, the conditions when prosecution is not mandatory under Article 231of the CCK, the mediation procedure under Article 232 of CCK, the negotiation of plea bargain agreement under Article 233 CCK, determination and commitment to priority cases.

 Beneficiaries of this training were 14 prosecutors from Basic Prosecutorial Offices of Prizren, Gjakova and Peja. 

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