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Protection at work and compensation of the damage caused at working place

On 30 September 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CPT conducted training on: “Protection at work and compensation of the damage caused at working place”

The purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge of the participants on applicable legislation in cases of accidents at working places or occupational deceases.

During this presentation initially were treated the rights of employees and the employers responsibilities in cases of accidents at the working place or occupational deceases, with the special emphasis on material laws, including collective contract and internal acts of legal person applicable in cases of accidents at working places or occupational deceases.

At the afternoon were discussed about reimbursement of medical treatment and rehabilitation as damage compensation in cases of accidents at working place or occupational deceases, including providing conditions for protection at work. 

During the training were used combined methods of practical and theoretical explanation followed by judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instances from all regions of Kosovo.

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