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Evidences and proving in commercial disputes

On 07 October 2015, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with CLE-USAID conducted training on: “Evidence and proving in commercial disputes”. This training falls under the Specialized Program on commercial law   

The aim of this training was to advance the professional knowledge of judges in proving and obtaining evidences, evaluation and comparison of evidence in cases of economic nature and interpretation of the applicable legal instruments regulating this field.

The training focused on issues related to the identification, security and precise analysis of evidence, the administration of evidence and using them as proof in court to establish decisive facts in disputes of an economic nature. In this context, participants also elaborated the scope of proving the need to proof, exemption from the duty of taking evidence and not taking evidence in due time.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal - Department of Economic Affairs and judges from the Basic Court Pristina - Department of Economic Affairs and Administrative Department.

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