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Workshop on cross-border asset confiscation

On 19-20 October 2015, KJI in cooperation with the Prosecutors' Network Project of the Western Balkans, implemented by the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ) and EU founded project, supporting the Agency for the Management of Seized and Confiscated assets, conducted ae workshop on: “Cross-Border asset confiscation".

The purpose of this workshop was to deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge related to confiscation of goods, to establish cooperation between all local stakeholders dealing with freeze and confiscation of assets acquired illegally, as well as gaining knowledge on the most efficient ways of international cooperation in this field.

The workshop started by presenting an overview of the current situation in Kosovo regarding asset confiscation, statistics on the value of assets seized in recent years. The workshop continued with presentations by foreign experts who discussed the basic principles of confiscation of assets derived from crime, principles of assets confiscation or instruments of crime, and elements of cross-border confiscation. The above issues were addressed from a more practical perspective where participants worked in groups on case studies and practical examples taken by the organized crime area.

Participants in this workshop were judges, prosecutors, and officials from the Agency for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated property, Kosovo Police, Directory for investigations against economic crimes and corruption, FIU, Customs, ACA.

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