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Organized crime, international legal cooperation and corruption

21-23 October 2015, KJI in cooperation with the Twinning Project "Strengthening Capacities for Criminal Investigation of Organized Crime and Corruption” conducted a three-day training on: "Organized crime, international judicial cooperation and corruption".

This training aimed to provide EU knowledge in combating corruption and organized crime and to establish local and international cooperation between police investigators and prosecutors in being more efficient in combating organized crime offenses and corruption.

The training mainly focused on the elaboration of national and international legal framework regulating this area, identification of indicators that affect the growth of organized crime and corruption, structure of criminal groups, and modern investigation methods. As part of this training also was elaborated the general profiling and specialized financial, development of covert investigations and confiscation of assets acquired by criminal acts of organized crime and corruption.

During this training, participants were divided into groups and worked on identification of indicators of organized crime and corruption.

Beneficiaries of this training were, judges of basic instance, special prosecutors and prosecutors of basic instance, as well as officials from the Kosovo Police.

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