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Bankruptcy proceeding in transition countries – the experience from Bulgaria."

On 20 November 2015, within Continuous Training Program, KJI in cooperation with KPMG and supported by the BERZH, conducted training on: "Bankruptcy proceedings in transition countries – the experience from Bulgaria."

The training was organized in order to contribute on identification of problem areas, develop best practices and exchange experiences from countries with experience such as Bulgaria, and serving at capacity building of judges in dealing more effectively with bankruptcy issues.

Discussions at the training focused on the elaboration of the bankruptcy framework, procedures and decisions, cross-border bankruptcy under Council Regulation 1346/2000 (EU) and the new Regulation 2015/848 (EU). As part of this training were also discussed uniform rules applicable in EU territory in bankruptcy proceedings with cross-border elements and court of jurisdiction, with particular emphasis on the specifics on Bulgari’s judicial system.

The trainer engaged to training was an expert from Bulgaria who shared experiences and practices from her country, through case studies and assignments for participants.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, judges of basic and appeal instances, as well as bankruptcy administrators.

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