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Workshop on drafting the Annual Working Program for 2016

On 19-22 November 2015, KJI conducted a workshop on: “Drafting the Annual Working Program for 2016”.

The focus of this workshop was on determining strategic objectives for 2016, define indicators, identify potential risks, and draft the annual working program, program implementation plan and training program. After analysis and discussion, the working group has defined the structure and objectives of each program, set the priorities for the period of one (1) year and prepared the first draft.

The structure of the working program for 2016 includes; KJI mission and the vision, strategic objectives, training programs including Continuous Training Program, Initial Training Program Training Program for Promotion, Research and Publication Program, courses on courts and prosecution management, training courses for other professionals, training of trainers, distance learning, administration, finance and KJI infrastructure, joint programs with strategic partner and implementation plan of working program.

Mbështetur në këtë strukturë dhe prioritete strategjike, grupi punues ka hartuar planin e punës për vitin 2016, cili do të diskutohet më tej edhe në Këshillin Programor dhe do të dërgohet për miratim Këshillit Drejtues të IGJK-së.

Pjesëmarrës ishin: stafi i IGJK-së.

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