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The execution procedure against commercial entities

On 1 December, 2015, KJI in cooperation with CLE-USAID has realised training on the topic "execution procedure against commercial entities", which belongs within the Program of Specialized Training for Commercial Law.

This training was intended to contribute to the advancement of participants' knowledge and skills in appropriate implementation of the legal provisions that regulate this matter, in the identification and treatment of dilemmas that are being encountered in actual judicial practice in execution proceedings, which have occurred with the new legal circumstances created after entering into force of new Law on Execution Procedure.

Within this training there were elaborated legal basis for assignment of execution, actions and object of execution, competencies of private executors and court execution procedures, types of execution's documents and reliable documents as well as postponement, suspension, termination and the completion of execution proceedings at commercial entities. In this context there were treated execution in cash, execution in movable and immovable property as well as execution on permanent incomes in cash and through bank account.

It was also discussed about the legal remedies against the decisions and executive actions of private executors, guarantees for objection against the decision for execution according to reliable document and complaint against irregularities during the conduct of execution.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Supreme Court, judges from Court of Appeal - Department of Economic Affairs and the Civil Division, as well as judges from the Basic Court in Prishtina - Department of Economic Affairs and the Department of Administrative Affairs. 

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