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Alternative and complementary convictions

On 3 December 2015, under the Continuous Training Program (CTP), KJI has conducted training on the topic "Alternative and complementary convictions.

The training has aimed to expand the theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the appropriate evaluation of legal circumstances as well as the interpretation and appropriate application of the Criminal Code's provisions in imposing those criminal sanctions.

Initially in this training were elaborated the alternative convictions, types, terms and conditions that should be taken into account for their imposing, as well as the positive effects of effective application of these convictions.

With particular emphasis it was discussed the issue concerning conditional conviction, the foreseen legal conditions for its imposing and revocation as well as deadlines for revocation of this conviction. There were also elaborated the half-freedom and order for community service work, as types of alternative convictions. Afterwards, there  were treated the additional convictions such as special types of criminal convictions, types and conditions for their imposing as well as the common  and distinguishing points between main, alternative and complementary convictions

The beneficiaries of this training were judges of the basic courts from different regions.

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