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Relation between Kosovo Constitutional Court and Regular Courts: Incidental Jurisdiction and Effects of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court in Kosovo

On 17 December 2015, within Continuous Training Program (CPT), Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training on: “Relation between Kosovo Constitution Court and Regular Courts: Incidental Jurisdiction and Effects of the Decisions of the Constitution Court in Kosovo”. 

This training was conducted in order to expand the knowledge of participants regarding incidental jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court, the relationship between the Constitutional Court and regular courts, as well as legal effects of decisions of the Constitutional Court.

As part of this training, initially was treated the organization and scope of the Constitutional Court, the model and its jurisdiction, incidental control of constitutionality in relation with the legislature and the judiciary, and procedure of application for incidental control in the Constitutional Court as the main body for constitutional control.

During the training was also discussed the relationship between Constitutional Court and regular courts, the line between jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the comparison between constitutional jurisdiction and regular courts. In the last part of the training were elaborated decisions of the Constitutional Court, legal types and their effect to the judiciary and to all persons and institutions of Republic of Kosovo.

The training was conducted in an interactive form, with discussions about the dilemmas raised during the training.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts

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