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Initiation of Investigation and special investigative opportunities

On 19 January 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute, conducted training on: “Initiation of investigation and special investigative opportunities”.

This training aims to treat special investigative opportunities in order to contribute in overcoming uncertainties that exist in judicial practice such as the issue of interrogation of the parties and analysis of cases where evidence obtained during special investigation are admissible in court and on which the judgment can be based.

The focused on elaboration of the decision to initiate investigations in criminal proceedings, general principles of the investigation phase, the role of the police at this stage, deadlines for conducting investigations and extension cases, suspension and termination of the investigation.

In addition, were discussed the evidence, examination and admissibility of evidence obtained by special investigative opportunity, as well as the composition of the panel to review such evidence.

The training was conducted interactively, where participants had the opportunity to present the challenges and difficulties faced in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors’ of basic level, as well as Kosovo police officers.

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