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Protection of the rights of children without parental care

On 4 and 5 February 2016, the Kosovo Judicial Institute with support from UNICEF, has conducted its first session of the Module ‘Justice for children’ - civil aspect, with the topic "Protection of the rights of children without parental care”

The objective for treatment of this topic consists in the importance and necessity of proper implementation by the judiciary the laws and other normative acts and international instruments on issues that refer to judicial proceedings for granting the legal protection on the Rights of children without parental care.

Within this training, it was initially elaborated the adoption as a form of special protection of these children, the notion, conditions and needs on the establishment of adoption, the judicial proceedings of the establishment of adoption, both the local one and judicial adoption proceedings with an international element . In this context, there were treated the cooperation of the court and the custodian body in the adoption proceedings as well court decisions on adoption.

Further on, mainly the work was focused on topics related to the placement of the child in another family as a form of organized social care toward the children without parental care and the role of the Centre for Social Work in this regard, both as in the cases of placement of the child in another family by the parents and in cases of organized placement of the child in another family.

Furthermore, an important issue addressed in the context of this training was the mode and methods of communication of the court with children in court proceedings aiming to pre pin order to prepare the child in advance, and the principle of the best interests of the child.

Custodianship as an institute of social character, the custodian body as a competent body for protection of children's rights and modes of exercising custodianship, were also the topics that were elaborated. In this part there were also discussions in connection with the exercise, suspension, restriction and deprivation of parental rights.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges at the basic courts, professional associates and officials from the Centre for Social Work in Prizren and Centre for Social Work in Suhareka..

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