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The visit of the delegation of the Judicial Training Centre from Montenegro in Kosovo

On 24 and 25 February 2016, the delegation of the Judicial Training Centre from Montenegro paid a visit to the KJI.  The visit took place with the support of the US Embassy in Podgorica and the US Embassy in Prishtina.

The purpose of the visit was close acquaintance with the work and activities of the Kosovo Judicial Institute, the exchange of ideas and experiences on best practices as regards to organizing of the judicial training, and enhancing the level of cooperation between KJI and the Judicial Training Centre in Montenegro.

Issues that were discussed during the two-day visit were the organization of the justice system and the judicial system in general, the role, function and structure of KJI, achievements and challenges, the legal framework, the mandate, management and financing of KJI, continuous training program and initial training program, identification of training needs, development of curricula, trainers and evaluation of the trainings, distance learning, research and publications carried out within the KJI, as well as other issues of common interest for both training institutions.

The delegation had visited during the visit the premises of KJI such as, the library, training rooms and other working spaces.

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