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The sub module - "Witnesses and victims in criminal proceedings" topic - Understanding the witness in general

On September 22, 2022, the Academy of Justice within the Initial Program, for the newly appointed judges of the ninth generation for the first group, is conducting theoretical training, the second training session under the module "Witnesses and victims in criminal proceedings" with trainers Mr. Valon Kurtaj, judge at the Basic Court in Pristina-Special Department.

Within this first training session under the module "Witnesses and injured parties in criminal proceedings", the following are being addressed: witnesses in a criminal trial, types of witnesses in general and according to the CPCK, the witness - witnesses released from the obligation to testified, testifying in a criminal process, preliminary procedure and in judicial examination and not incriminating himself by the witness or his relatives.

The training methodology is being developed through the interactive method and practical cases.

Beneficiaries of the training are 29 newly appointed judges, of which two are from the Serbian community.

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