News and Activities - Archive


Consultative meeting for the report on training needs assessment and evaluation of trainings in EU member states and the Western Balkans

On February 11, the KJI participated in a consultative meeting organized by the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat in Zagreb.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and agree to the final version of the report that will be presented at the opening ceremony of the Network of Eastern Europe Judicial Training Institutions.

At this meeting it was discussed about the process of needs assessment, evaluation of training activities, innovative training methodology, selection of trainers, innovative curriculum as well as the instruments for the application of EU law in the trainings

Participants at the meeting presented their practices for all these processes in the realisation of judicial trainings.

Participants in this consultative meeting were representatives of judicial training institutions of the Western Balkan countries. KGI's representative at this meeting was Head of Continuing Training Program.

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