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Advanced Training of Trainers on Mediation

September 27 to 29, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the Department of Justice and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) of the USA, supported and funded by the Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of (INL) at the US Embassy, ​​has conducted the third session of the Training of Trainers on Mediation.

The training was also developed as a continuation of the Mediation Week, which started on September 20, and the Academy of Justice was one of the key Institutions in the awareness campaign of the citizens about the Mediation procedure.

Through continuous training sessions, the Academy of Justice aims to create a professional cadre of trainers from the Mediation field, who will then continue delivering training in AJ, depending on the needs and the training program for Judges, Prosecutors, administrative staff of Courts and Prosecutor's Offices, as well as free professions.

During the III training session, experts from the United States of America Mr. Dave Moora and Mrs. Emily Rife focused more on addressing the development of training skills in the classroom, on the principles of adult learning, opening exercises to activate training participants, role plays, etc.

The focus was also on the opening of mediation, the way to use technology in the most effective way, the forms of overcoming disputes.

All discussion topics were followed by practical exercises and role play by the participants, monitored by the trainers.

Beneficiaries of the Training were the 15 mediators selected for the Mediation Training Program.

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