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Practical Training Program in Strasburg

On 22-26 February 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with Council of Europe organized a practical training program for judges and prosecutors of basic level, this training took place in Strasburg. 

The purpose of this training was for the participants to gain more knowledge on the functioning system and the work of European Court of Human Rights, issues related to human rights, processing and development of judicial hearings in this court, as well as the way of functioning of the commissioner body for human rights, as well as other entities which purpose is the respect and promotion of human rights.   

During this program a special emphasis was paid to the mandate and working methods of the European Commission on preventing the torture or detention, inhuman or degrading treatment, the role and mandate of the representatives of human rights in European Council, European Social Cart, and European Commission for Social Rights.

Furthermore, was highlighted the combating of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, the Steering Committee for Human Rights and Court Reform, Convention Against Trafficking in Human Beings and monitoring mechanisms as well as the European Commission against racism and intolerance and execution of judgments of the ECtHR.

During the visit, participants had the opportunity to attend a hearing in the Supreme Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the review of a dispute against the Swedish State.

Participants in this visit were judges of basic instance from all courts of the Republic of Kosovo.

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