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Legal writing and reasoning

On 22 March 2016, within Continuous Training Program (CTP), Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of UNDP conducted training on: “Legal writing and reasoning”.

This training aimed to increase professional capacities of judges in terms of promotion and possession of skills in writing professional, good and detailed legal argumentations

As part of this training were elaborated the content and importance of legal writing and reasoning, parts of the judgment, drafting techniques and judicial reasoning. In this context was discussed the IRAC method, compilation of decisions in accordance with this method, forms and difficulties of its implementation, as well as theoretical guidelines when drafting judicial decisions and providing of practical cases worked by IRAC method.

During the training was used a combined methodology of theoretical and practical explanation, interactive discussion and study cases from the practice, as well as expression of problems and challenges faced by the participants when drafting and reasoning of judicial decisions.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instance. 

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