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Internship program of the candidate from Magistrate School of France

Based on the cooperation agreement between Kosovo Judicial Institute and the Magistrate School of France - ENM, concerning the candidates exchange program in the initial training, in March it is conducted last week of internship program for the candidate of this school in Kosovo.

During this week, the ENM’s candidate Mr. Arnaud GILQUIN-VAUDOUR has conducted internship in the Basic Court of Prishtina under the supervision of a judge for civil matters. The candidate has had the opportunity to participate in various sessions related to property and family issues, the role of the litigants, the hearing of witnesses, issues related to contracts and other substantive and procedural aspects in the civil field. He is also notified with medical expertise, field work in cases of allocation of parcels etc. Special emphasis is paid to the understanding of procedures, comparison of the two countries' judicial systems and the exchange of experiences.

Within the program’s agenda, several meetings are conducted in the Correctional Service - Lipjan and Kosovo Probation Service. At these meetings the candidate has had the opportunity to familiarize with the work and functioning of these institutions as regards to punishment system in Kosovo and execution of alternative punishments.

At the end of the program the candidate has conducted a closing meeting at Kosovo Judicial Institute, which intended to discuss the candidate’s impressions about the organization of internship program, how much he has achieved to be acquainted to judicial and prosecutorial system in Kosovo, his recommendations and opportunities of mutual cooperation in the field of exchange of professional practices. 

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