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Expertising in criminal proceedings

On 8 March 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of the Council of Europe Office in Pristina, has conducted training on "Expertising in criminal proceedings".

The aim of this training was to provide support to the advancement of knowledge concerning the appointment of expert and specific areas where the expertise is required as a particular proving instrument in criminal proceedings, the evaluation expert’s report by the court and familiarization with international acts in the context of protection of human rights during the expertise proceedings.

Within this training there were elaborated the meaning, role, procedures and decision for appointing the expert, the role of the parties in this process and administering of the expertise during judicial hearing. In this context, there were treated the circumstances concerning up to which phase of the proceeding the appointment of an expert can be requested, the expert’s hearing and questions that may be submitted to the expert in judicial hearing as well as the case when the expert changes his stance in this phase from the preliminary report which he has lodged at court.

The training was of interactive format, in its largest part there were discussions about problems encountered in actual judicial practice, such as incomplete expertise, issuance of decisions based solely on expertise as evidence as well as were presented cases from the ECHR, wherein through expertise the human rights were violated.

 The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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