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Labor disputes with a special emphasis on civil servants

On 16 June 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the Continuous Training Programme (CTP), has realised training on the topic “Labour disputes with the special emphasis on civil servants”.

The purpose of this training was decoding and treatment of challenges and difficulties in implementation of legislation on civil servants and dilemmas that were created as regards with competences in deciding upon the civil servants disputes.  

During this training there were elaborated disciplinary proceedings that take place within the employing authority the proceeding for resolving disputes and complaints, legislation on the Independent Oversight Board for Civil Service as final a final authority in administrative proceedings, provisions that define the proceeding and deadlines for conducting the disciplinary proceeding within the employing authority, proceeding and deadlines for decision making at Disciplinary Committee, the provisions that define the proceeding and deadlines of appealing within the employing authority and in the Council, the proceeding and deadlines for reviewing the complaint at the Committee for resolution of disputes and complaints and in the Council and forms of decision making at Disciplinary Committee.

Further on, there were treated the Committee’s competences in resolving disputes and complaints in the Council, the responsibilities of accountable persons and institutions in implementation of Council’s decisions, the proceeding in case of non-implementation of the Council’s decision and provisions of the legislation related to functions and competencies  of the Council.

In addition, there were elaborated the proceeding for protection of labour rights and respecting the established deadlines in requesting protection, specifically the exhaustion of domestic remedies in gaining the right to request judicial protection and the legal consequences of failure to comply with these deadlines.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic level and professional associates.

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