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Roundtable Discussion of the Court of Appeal

From 9 to 10 June 2016, KJI within its regular activities, has organized roundtable discussion for judges of the Civil Division of the Court of Appeal, Department of Economic and Department  of Administrative Affairs in which are discussed topics such as: "The legitimacy of the party, the session in second instance court, compensation of non-material damage, the issue of interest rates, experts, lawsuits for confirmation of ownership, construction, housing disputes, obstruction to possession, court fees", etc.

After two days of discussions and confrontations of arguments related to topics and issues that were in the focus according to the agenda prepared before, there were proceeded final conclusions. These conclusions are finalized and reviewed during each item of the roundtable from the roundtable’s panellists.

Roundtable in question was beneficial for participants, considering that the KJI is continuously supporting judges with such roundtables, since this roundtable follows previous roundtable which was held in February 2016. The roundtables main aim are the harmonization of judicial practice in the civil field and avoidance of current dilemmas that are emerging in the courts of the Republic of Kosovo.

The panellists in this roundtable were Mr. Kujtim Pasuli and Mr. Isa Kelmendi, judges in the Court of Appeal.

In this roundtable participants were judges of the Court of Appeal - Civil Division, Department of Economic Affairs and Department of Administrative Affairs, and the KJI’s representative.

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