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Introductory course– module 2

From 11-13 July 2016, KJI has carried out trainings from second module of introductory course for administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices.

The purpose of these trainings was to continue to increase further on the performance of the administrative staff of the courts and prosecution offices, building their skills and professional capabilities and enhance the quality of services provided by members of the administration.

In the focus of this training course, in the second module, were the following topics: introduction to the work of courts and prosecution offices, structure, organograms, categories of administrative staff and their rights and obligations,  internal and external communications and teamwork, main rules and regulations for managing the flow of cases, presentation of the types of registers and documents maintained by the administrative staff, rules and samples, specifics of work in criminal and administrative matters, types of cases, judicial acts and judicial hearings, judicial proceedings and respective tasks of administrative personnel, sending summons and deadlines.

After each theoretical part the training is characterized by participants' group work.

The beneficiaries of introductory training module 2 were various officials of courts and prosecution offices, including: professional associates, legal officers, financial officers, procurement officers, personnel officers, information officers, certifiers and senior clerks.

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