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Novelties and amendments of the judges Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

On August 5, 2016, KJI in cooperation with the USAID program, JSSP conducted training on "Novelties and amendments of the judges Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct".

The purpose of this training was for judges to identify novelties and amendments contained in the new Code of Ethics for judges and recognize Rules that determine misconduct, as adopted by the Kosovo Judicial Council.

The training focused on detailed elaboration of provisions of the Code of Professional Conduct for judges, novelties and amendments of this code in addition to the actual applicable code, general principles and structuring, as well as the behavior standards as determined by the Code of Professional Conduct for judges. Further was discussed the regulation determining misconduct, its purpose, the definition of misconduct, their categorization and determination of sanctions contained in this Regulation.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court.

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