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Criminal offenses against official duty

On September 8 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in the framework of continuous trainings has conducted training on the topic "Crimes against official duty".

The purpose of this training was to explain thoroughly criminal offenses against official duty under the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as to analyse some of the forms of these offenses that often appear in judicial practice.

Initially there were presented characteristics and essential elements of these criminal offenses. Further on, the following offenses were treated: Abuse of the post or authorisation, accepting and giving bribes and the relations between these criminal offenses. Other criminal offenses that were elaborated, from chapter of criminal offenses against official duty, were the offense of exercising influence and issuing unlawful judicial decisions. The comparison of domestic legislation with the ones of some countries in the region, were also part of the treatment and discussion within the training.

The methodology applied in this training was of interactive character and convenient for participants who developed debate and presented challenges when treating criminal offences against official duty.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level. 

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