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Measuring of punishment

On 27 September 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted training on "Measuring of the punishment".

The aim of the training was to explicitly treat the general rules of measuring of punishment and provide a contribution to judges in unifying punitive policies take into account the rules for calculation of punishment, especially when dealing with mitigation of judicial punishments.

As part of this training were also elaborated the criteria for measuring the length of the punishment, mitigating and aggravating circumstances and their assessment in case measuring the punishment, mitigation and aggravation of sentence for recidivism, measuring of the punishment when dealing with joining of criminal offences and calculation of punishments for convicted persons and in custody.

Through the analysis of practical issues, participants held interactive discussions and presented their views on how much the general rules on measuring of punishment are being applied in judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic level.

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