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Sub-module: Reasoning of court decisions in civil matters; 4th session: Structure and content of the judgment reasoning

October 25 2022, Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for the second group of newly appointed judges (generation 9) is conducting theoretical training from the sub-module on “Reasoning of court judgments in civil matters”, with trainer Mr. Fejzullah Rexhepi judge in the Supreme Court.

In the framework of this session, the following are being addressed: instructions for the writing and reasoning of the judgment, provisions of material law which have been applied in issuing the judgment and the Statement for the claims of the parties regarding the legal basis of the dispute, as well as the proposals and objections of for which the court did not justify the decisions issued earlier in the procedure.

Training methodology is interactive with practical cases.

Beneficiaries of this training are 18 newly appointed judges.

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