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Covert measures of investigation and surveillance

On 13 September 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute,  within CTP has realized training on the topic " Covert measures of  investigation and surveillance”.

The purpose of this training was to treat in details the legal framework that regulates the mode of issuing the covert measures of investigation and surveillance, the procedure of implementation and application of these measures in terms of clarifying the dilemmas that exist in judicial practice.

During this training it was stressed the importance of these measures and their proper implementation in practice, all kinds of measures and stages of investigation during which they can be authorized. Further on, there were treated legal conditions persons authorized to issue covert measures, the drafting of orders for the implementation of these measures and the content of the request for taking these orders on authorization of these measures.

In this context there were elaborated the competencies of the police, state prosecutor and pre- trial judge.

The training methodology was a combination of theory and practical cases submitted by trainers with the aim of contributing to the unification of judicial practice associated with this field.

The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic level.

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