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Advancement of training methodology

On 14-15 September 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with Twinning Project "Support to further legal education reform" funded by the EU, conducted training of trainers on: "Advancement of training methodology".

The purpose of the training was to develop of monitoring skills of participants and advancement of training methodology for successful implementation of the training programs.

During two-days of training, trainers had the opportunity to get familiar with the techniques that should be used to keep participants active in the training, including active listening, how to manage communication and discussion during a workshop.

Also during this training were explained the characteristics of a good trainer, intensity of learning and training methods, as well as development of communication skills.

The training was characterized by teamwork, in which case the trainer worked on preparing presentations where they had to play roles and develop case studies based on the practice.

Beneficiaries of the training were the judge, court administrators, communication managers and records management officer, all trainers at KJI.

This training was conducted by the German expert in the field of judicial training.

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