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Protecting the rights of children in case of changing their status

On 29 to 30 September 2016, KJI conducted training on "Protection of children's rights in cases of changing their status", which is the third training session of the module: Justice for children - civil aspect.

This training is intended to contribute to the advancement of theoretical and practical knowledge of the judges concerning the interpretation and application of legal provisions dealing with the rejection procedure and the procedure for recognition of paternity and maternity, in terms of protection of the best interest of the child when changing their status and domestic violence cases.

This training was focused on topics such as the status of the child and proof of marital status, extramarital and marital children, and ways of proving extramarital relationship, consequences for the child in case of rejection of paternity and maternity, and legal effects of the recognition of paternity and maternity in judicial procedure. Also within this training were discussed the rights of children in cases of domestic violence, protection orders and types of protective measures against domestic violence, determined by the court.

The methodology developed in this training was combined with theoretical discourse, cases and practical tasks and discussions on the problems and challenges encountered in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic courts.

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