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ECHR and the use of HUDOC data base

On 9-10 September 2016, KJI in cooperation with UNDP within CTP, conducted training on "ECHR and the use of HUDOC data base".

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge of participants on the role, structure, and positive obligations of the ECHR and its protocols, ways of implementation in practice, jurisprudence and standards set by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concerning the implementation by national courts.

During this training were addressed the meaning of rights, interpretation and procedures for their protection guaranteed by the Convention, with a focus on cases from the ECHR case law which were subject to interpretation of important issues, related to the recognition and practical application of the rights and fundamental freedoms. Another topic of importance was the "Prohibition of discrimination from the ECHR perspective (Article 14 of ECHR) and legal protection against discrimination in the Republic of Kosovo, as well as HUDOC (ECHR) portal- how the HUDOC can be used with the purpose of implementing ECHR and its case law.

Also, during this training was debated about the issue on how the national courts will be able to refer to the precedents of the ECHR and at the same time the constitutional obligation laid down in Article 53 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, that the interpretation of the constitutional rights to be consistent with the decisions of the respective court. Versatile, through discussion and study examples trainers elaborated the rights set out by the ECHR and important decisions of the ECHR jurisprudence that will be quite useful guidance to judges and prosecutors during their daily work.

It was the general assessment that the two-day training at its conclusion reached its objectives in terms of explaining properly the basic concept of the European Convention on Human Rights, the role and its impact on the protection of human rights, the meaning of the ECHR jurisprudence in interpreting and setting standards for implementation of human rights its case law, as well as the precedents of the ECHR by national courts.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic and appellate level, as well as prosecutor of basic instance.

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