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Stress Management

On 25 October 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within CTP conducted training on: "Stress Management".

The purpose of this training was to elaborate methods and techniques for overcoming stressful situations that occur at work and during the work.

During this training were explained the methods on how to keep all emotions under control, how to limit excessive demands on an institution, how to manage unreasonable anger and frustration. During the training was also explained the role of criticism and negative opinions, coping with situations when things go wrong, the effect of the unwanted work and commitment, consequences for not using daily breaks, the impact of the lack of priorities related to with workload, how does reflect the work that is in discrepancy with the skills of a worker and the effect of using the product of work by others.

As very useful were considered handling of habits, approaches and their effects such as abandoning hobbies and individual interests, burdening with many tasks at work, delays in work, action on reasonable terms, non-adaptation to changes, non-expression of true feelings, the effects of anger with those who are important for the employee, the ratio of bad things good things, coping with work pressure and the effect of time for recuperation.

Versatile were addressed  the stress, stressors, pressure, frustration, conflict, adaptation as an attempt to deal with stress and frustration as a physical barrier, social and psychological aspect, that an individual could wield with great pain, fails to possess or to achieve the objective, which fulfills his motive.

During the training were also elaborated changes following human behavior frustration that lead to positive and negative changes. On the other hand for positive changes was emphasized that understanding that obstacles in the process of realizing its goals are common and does not lead to failure and depressing behaviors. While negative changes to a frustrated human are part of his frustrated situation.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic level and KJI staff.

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