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Procedure involving offenders with mental disorders and execution of judicial decisions in these cases

On November 18th 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on “Procedure involving offenders with mental disorders and execution of judicial decisions in these cases”.

Purpose of organizing this training was to expand knowledge of judges and prosecutors on practical implementation of provisions pertaining supervision of the mandatory treatment, detention for persons with mental disorders and what makes this measure a distinct procedure, types of mandatory treatment with detention in mental health care institutions, and mandatory psychiatric treatment in freedom, as well as different circumstances related to ability of these persons to undergo trial.

Particular emphasis was placed to application of psychiatric examination by experts, purpose of this examination and stages when ordering psychiatric examination, as well as detention and special requirement that have to be met for imposing detention to persons with mental disorders.

Training was delivered in form of discussion of participants related to dilemmas and difficulties in application of legislation in actual case law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance from various regions of Kosovo. 

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