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Copyrights and related rights

On 08 December 2016, KJI in cooperation with the Office for Protection of Copyrights within the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and with the support of TAIEX, conducted training on: “Copyrights and other related rights”.

This training aimed to advance the knowledge of judges and prosecutors in the field of practical implementation of national legislation on copyright and international acts in this area.

This training focused on protection of copyright and related rights in the Republic of Kosovo under European Union Law, analyzation of the copyright specifics, proper implementation of international law in the field of copyright and implementation of the legal provisions in force in the Republic of Kosovo. This training provided knowledge about the operation of copyright and other related rights from the perspective of the relevant legislation and the domestic case law, including national and international context. Of a particular benefit was the commentary and interpretation of typical decisions of the EU Court of Justice on this subject and elaboration of cases decided by this Court.

The training addressed the current problems in this area and enabled participants to discuss them in detail, providing as such solutions and concrete explanation given by experts.

The training was developed through interactive discussions, theoretical explanation followed by study cases and concrete examples

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of appeal and basic instances from different regions, lawyers and MOCI and customs officials. 

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