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Specialized training program on professional capacity building in combating cybercrime

During November 29-30 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of GIZ conducted the following training: “Specialized training program on professional capacity building in combating cybercrime – Session III”.

Purpose of this training was to contribute to extending knowledge in the area of international cooperation and possibilities of successful prosecution of cybercrime, as an increasing phenomenon in Kosovo.

This training session, treated national legislation regulating international legal cooperation in general, focusing on criminal legal cooperation in criminal matters – cybercrime in particular. It was further elaborated on some forms of international requests, criteria that have to be met, and it provided instructions for preparing various outgoing requests to other states, with the purpose of establishing best practices in this area.

This was the concluding session out of three sessions of this training program.

Beneficiaries at this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance. 

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