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External and internal communication

On November 23rd 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its training programs conducted training on External and Internal Communication.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the way of communication within administration of courts and prosecution, as the main key to reaching objectives and goals, and with the purpose of providing efficient, effective and transparent judicial services.

This training initially elaborated on importance on internal communication, with particular emphasis on building healthy human and professional relations among members of institutions, with the purpose of reaching common objectives to bring general benefit to public interests. In this scope, the training tackled form of motivation at work, and role of the team work, information flow and exchange of information. Furthermore, it was discussed about external communication also and policies and applicable standards, which are applied in informing the public with the work taking place at respective institution.

Also, particular attention was paid to good and accurate work planning, monitoring of activities, task delegation, as well as correct reporting according to set standards, with the goal of enhancing the role and work performance of prosecutors and judges, and of their personnel.

Training was delivered in form of discussion with participants related to their dilemmas and difficulties in their practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were Administrators and Assistant-Administrators of courts and prosecution, as well as information officers of basic courts and the Appeals Court. 

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