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IT advanced training

On 30 November 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute conducted training for the management of administration and administrative staff of courts and prosecution office on: “IT advanced training”.

The purpose of this training was to increase capacity building regarding the practical use of IT in conducting daily work within the administration of court and prosecution offices.

The programs elaborated during this training were: MS Word 2016, MS Outlook 2016, management and data security, data maintenance, risks posed to data’s, as well as safe internet navigation.

This training provided practical advices so that participants can use them in their daily work. These practical advices tend to make their work easier and at the same time save their time.   

The training was developed interactively, where the participants had the opportunity to present their challenges faced in practice and to practice IT functions.  

Beneficiaries of this training were administrator, assistant administrators and chief of registration office of courts and prosecution offices.

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